In the spring of 2021, Texas A&M University, San Antonio (TAMUSA) had lower-than-expected enrollment. They expected the trend to continue through the summer and fall terms.
TAMUSA leadership knew that they needed a different way to connect with and engage their stopped-out students. Their approach was not yet moving the needle. And, they couldn't afford to take risks with their time or budget.
We launched in 10 days. The result? 501 additional enrollments from a list of previously unengaged students and an impressive ROI.
New Resource
In this new ebook, Dr. Michelle Riconscente demystifies the complex behavior of human science. She shares practical, proven tips to shift student behavior and help them succeed.
Complete this form to download the PDF now.
Enrolling no-show students was a recurring challenge at this large, regional, four-year public university. Each year, a significant portion of admitted students never register to start classes.
Motimatic’s team led the on-boarding and go-live process within just 10 days, with minimal demand on the university’s enrollment staff. Motimatic produced and deployed a set of university-branded GuidePosts to the list of no-shows, highlighting the value of a college degree and reigniting a desire to start their educational journey.
75 sign-ups for New Student Orientation in 65 days
(students identified as least likely to enroll)
We use a tool to score our prospective students based on their likelihood to complete the enrollment process and we gave Motimatic only those from the bottom decile. They delivered. We got twice as many as expected and the number keeps growing.
A large, public university had accumulated an extensive backlog of prospective students. Despite having applied and been accepted, these learners had yet to start classes. The list included thousands of applicants going back from three months to over a year.
Motimatic deployed behavioral science-backed content experiences across social and digital platforms to motivate learners to act. Enrollment was made easy—activating on Facebook, Instagram and Google meant registering was only a click away.
There's still time to improve fall registration. We can help.
Drop us a note and we'll follow up ASAP.