Meet Your Fall Registration Goals

Motimatic drives actions that matter, powered by Motivation Science

Learn How

Shift Mindsets & Inspire Action

Reach your learners where they are with compelling social media content grounded in motivation science.

Motimatic’s fully managed solution helps you shift mindsets, inspire action, and improve outcomes.

Aligned With Your Priorities

From supporting the student lifecycle to boosting workforce development programs, we expand your team’s capacity, support your strategic initiatives, and deliver results.

Learn more
  • From early in your enrollment funnel until they complete, we support the full student lifecycle

  • Improve workforce development outcomes by reaching displaced workers and post-traditional learners

Learn What's Working

More than 250 colleges and universities are now using our fully managed solution to support students throughout their learning journey.

Let's Talk

+ 131 new registrants
(students admitted but not enrolled in the last three terms)

Motimatic was incredibly easy to work with and the ROI was guaranteed. They’re now a part of our ongoing strategy for high priority enrollment efforts.

Andrew Stone
Associate Vice President, Enrollment Management
Utah Valley University
smiling man

Let's connect.

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