452 stalled applicants registered at Montgomery College

We implemented their solution within 10 days.

452 stalled applicants registered as a result. 54% of those registered were male students. 80% registered in four or more credit hours.

smiling black man
success story

Motivating stalled applicants to register

Despite a lot of hard work by the staff, many Montgomery College applicants simply weren’t registering for classes, citing family and work commitments. Additionally, phone calls or emails were often not reaching or engaging these potential students.

Montgomery College’s student success team knew they needed to bolster the confidence of these applied-but-not-enrolled students.

Within 10 days Motimatic began deploying digital content designed to inspire and motivate these potential students.

Montgomery College’s “applied-but-never-enrolled” launch series ran for a total of 45 days and resulted in 452 student registrations. The resulting lifetime return on investment was 20.5x.

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